Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3 months

Weight: 12.5 pounds (Unofficial weight)
Length: Around 23.5 to 24 inches (unofficial, not sure how they do the exact measurement at docs)
Clothing size: 0-3 and 3 months (starting to grow out of some of it)
Sleep: Averaging 7-10 hours
Sleeps in sleep sack in his crib
Smiles a lot,
Holds head up,
Likes sitting up and standing with support,
Starting to roll to side,
Discovered hands which are in the mouth a lot,
Obsessed with starring at my feet,
First St. Patrick's Day
First time out in the snow
Love holding things (still includes Mommy's hair),
Sleeping through the night (mom says Hallelujah!) 
Eyes becoming blue
Belly button has gone in (it's an inny)
First trip ever to the mall with my mom and Grammy
First birthday party for my friend Sebastian 
Errands with mom and dad
Grandmom and Granddad's
The Regans to meet George 
Discoveries: I love my hands! I put them in my mouth all the time. I see my feet but I'm not sure about them yet so I just stare at them all the time. 
Favorite things: 
Making bubbles,
Looking at my feet and making them move,
Starring at my crib mobile (it makes me so happy!)
Grabbing mom's hair,
Bouncy chair,
Looking around,

Playing in my jungle gym
Car rides and strolling in my stroller

Not so favorite things: 
Still no pacifier,
having a dirty diaper 
Visitors/new friends this month: Paula and Paul, Matt and Ashleigh, Grammy, Great Grandma, Aunt Bernie, Suzanne, Machi, Regan Family, Suess Family
Next doctors appointment: April 29
Other news: My buddy Gibson Park was born yesterday. Happy birthday Gibson! Can't wait to play with him!

Here are some pictures from the month...

Monthly Photo Outtakes

Monday, March 17, 2014

Kamden's first snow day

We've had a very snowy winter to say the least. However, Kamden stayed nice and warm inside on our snowy days. Today we took him outside for his very first snow day - and he LOVED it! 

The cool fresh air made him pass out. I'd say that's a successful snow day! 

Happy St. Paddy's Day

Mommy's lucky charm
With his Irish Great Grandma
Yup, he's Irish alright
Passed out from the bottle

Friday, March 7, 2014

Slept All Night

Yahoo! Our boy slept through the night last night! We are so proud...and rested! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Heidi's Snow Day Fun

Heidi has had SO much for with all the recent snow days and there's been quite a few of them here in Virginia. Since she was born, we haven't had much snow, just one or two inches here and there. But this year made up for it and she couldn't get enough of the white fluffiness. 

Here are some videos and pictures showcasing all the fun she's had...

Fetch in the snow. This was the first significant snow accumulation of the season. 

Then we got a whole lot more snow a few weeks later....

And here is yesterday's snow day,,,

Now we are very ready for Spring fun!!!