Saturday, July 26, 2014

7 months!

Weight: 16 lbs 12 oz (as of 7/21)
Length: ?
Clothing size: some 6 months (onesies and shorts), moving into 6-9 and 9 months (PJs)
Sleep: 11 hours straight
Sleeps in sleep sack in crib
Naps at 9 and 2 everyday for 1.5-2 hours each
Lowered crib
Rolls over and sleeps on tummy
Moves all around the crib
Eats solids twice a day (LOVES it!)
Gearing up to crawl - trying really hard. For now, pivots and backwards crawling
First 4th of July
First full month in our new house
First time meeting Uncle Eric
First "sick" trip to the doctor
Hair is growing like grass
Teething (still no teeth yet - expecting one very soon)
Sitting up (in sitting position with no support)
Ready to start baths in the big tub 
Squirms and tries to push/leap out of arms
Pulls up when leaning against somebody
Touching/grabbing/looking at everything
Recognizes and gets excited when mommy/daddy come home
Reaches up when wants to be picked up
First trip to the pool
Ethan and Noah's birthday party
First time Washington DC
Favorite things: 
Bouncing in jumper
Making LOUD noises
Green teething toy, remote control toy (and the real remote), and keyboards
Moving all around and touching everything
Walks outside
Looking outside and watching cars drive by
Not so favorite things: 
Car seat
Lying down on the diaper changing table
Next doctors appointment: September 26 

Here are some pictures from the month...

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