Wednesday, September 25, 2013

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 Weeks, 5 days
Baby is the size of: Cauliflower. Weighs around 1.5 pounds
What's new with baby: His nervous system is rapidly developing and now has a sense of equilibrium, knowing which way is up and which way is down. Nails are starting to form. 

Maternity clothes? In the picture above, I am actually wearing a non-maternity dress, but I think it is just like one with the ruching on the side. In the picture below, I'm wearing my favorite article of clothing these days - maternity leggings with a Ryan Kerrigan jersey (ow, ow!).
Sleep: Sleeping lightly this week and definitely not enough.
Sleeping on: Side and back. Missing my stomach sleeping.
Best moment this week: Jeff put together the crib. Yay! And Kamden went to his first Redskins game - he moved around the entire game. Definitely a future Skins fan. :)
Miss Anything? No.
Movement: Yes! Lots!! Jeff was able to feel him moving around for the second time, but this time, lots of movement.
Food cravings: No.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not this week.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah!
Gender: It's a boy!
Name selected?: Kamden
Working out? Little bit, well no, not really.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Health: Feeling good!
Feeling (happy, moody, emotional, scared): Happy, moody, tired
Looking forward to: The end of October (lots of work things going on until then).
Next appointment: October 16 


  1. The time is going fast already going into Oct - he will be here before you know it
